CIL attains 9 percent net profit in fiscal Q-3

CIL attains 9 percent net profit in fiscal Q-3


If the data supplied by the Coal India Ltd are to be believed,it has registered a whopping nine percent increase in its fiscal-third-quarter net profit.

This was achieved mainly due to higher output and supplies of coal,according to the CIL’s…

Plan to pay Rs 5200 for every BPL student in private school

Plan to pay Rs 5200 for every BPL student in private school


The state government will provide Rs 5,200 annually to the management of the private school as fees for every student belonging to the Below Poverty Line(BPL) family.This means every month,Rs 433 will be deposited in the account of the school.

Florists in cheers Valentine’s Day

Florists in cheers Valentine’s Day


Sunil Adhikari travelled to the Flower Shops at Main Road,near Albert Ekka Chowk in Ranchi to hear stories about flowers and Valentine’s Day.

The shops were buzzing with fresh flowers and people balancing bunches of flowers in all sorts…

Anoushka hits jackport,says she was sexually abused as child

Anoushka hits jackport,says she was sexually abused as child


Thirty one -year old Anoushka Shankar, daughter of legendary sitarist Ravi Shankar, has hit the jack port by joining an online campaign demanding an end to crime against women, in the wake of the Delhi gangrape.

She has exhorted one billion…

To bring justice to victims of rape,eight more Fast-track courts set up

To bring justice to victims of rape,eight more Fast-track courts set up


Thanks to Jharkhand High Court Chief Justice Prakash Tatia,eight more Fast-track courts were set up to dispose of cases related with the crime against women in Jharkhand.

One each of these Fast –track courts headed by District and Additional…

Ex Minister Soren’s arrest imminent

Ex Minister Soren’s arrest imminent


The arrest of ex minister Nalin Soren is imminent. Soren,JMM leader,is accused in the Rs 26 crore seed scam.

The state Vigilance Bureau has constituted a team of sleuths who had fanned out in search of Soren among nine accused including former…

Rapist faces capital punishment in Bokaro

Rapist faces capital punishment in Bokaro


He had allegedly raped a minor girl in 2011.Today Rajo Singh is a convict facing capital punishment.Currently,he is undergoing imprisonment in Bokaro.

Singh was brought to justice within less than two years by the Bokaro District and Sessions…

Wild elephants trample politician to death in Tamar

Wild elephants trample politician to death in Tamar


Jharkhand Vikas Morcha leader Ganesh Mahto was trampled to death by wild elephants in Jharkhand.

The incident occurred near Peradih under Tamar block in Ranchi district last evening when Mahto,45, was on way to the house of his father in law.Mahto…

Led by NN Sinha,Jharkhand bags National e Goverance Award

Led by NN Sinha,Jharkhand bags National e Goverance Award


With an aim to transfer cash to beneficiary through financial institution,Jharkhand’s initiative supervised by its IT’s Principal Secretary NN Sinha has shown remarkable figure as compared to other states and UT.

Started in Dec…

Cardinal Telesphore Toppo can be a successor of Pope Benedict XVI?

Cardinal Telesphore Toppo can be a successor of Pope Benedict XVI?


“After having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths due to an advanced age are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry.”

Pope Benedict XVI is the first…