The Banmara village of Kullu Kera panchayat is located at the Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh border of Simdega district. 100 per cent of the population of this village have been vaccinated for Covid19. 

People of Jins Jara Kani village of Simdega situated at the border of Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh have shown the same kind of spirit. Despite being one of the farthest villages, people here actively participated in the vaccination drive and achieved 100% vaccination in the village. 

After a few awareness attempts by the administration people of these villages realized the importance of vaccination for the safety of their people. Ranga panchayat of Masaliya block in Dumka is also heading towards 100% vaccination. Panchayats like Shikaripara, Gandrakpur,  which are situated at the farthest part of the districts have also achieved more than 80% vaccination.

*Awareness among rural population is commendable

Garu block of Latehar district is a Naxal affected block. The population of this block is close to 36,000. Almost 50% of the 18+ population of this block have received the vaccine Jab.

 The district administration is running intensive awareness campaigns across the block. Every day, a rise in vaccination coverage is being recorded. Awareness campaigns run by the government in native and regional languages are helping people understand the benefits of the vaccine. Myths and fallacies related to the vaccine are being exposed among the rural population of the state.

Dumka district of Santhal Pargana region having multiple panchayats recording more than 75% or 80% vaccination coverage is running an intensive awareness drive across the districts. In addition to weekend vaccination mass drives being organized across the state, dumka also organizes awareness camps. Officials and local people take part in awareness camps and mobilize more people towards vaccination centres.

 *Story of Kullu Kera and Jins Jara Kani*

Apart from the efforts made by the administration to create awareness among the rural population, every week people would gather at different parts of the village. Everyone would share their inputs related to COVID safety behaviour and vaccination.

Self-education, village-level meetings related to vaccines was prevalent among villagers. Having a traditional lifestyle, every week they take part in social work for the upliftment of their village and their people. This created a similarity of thought among the villagers.

Villages like Banmara, Jins Jara Kani and Ranga were motivated by the awareness drives run by the government, they accepted the importance of vaccination. They admitted that death due to Covid can create chaos among villagers. 

To avoid such mishappenings they voluntarily came ahead to take part in the Covid vaccination. Appeals from the government headed by Chief Minister are now bringing results. Migrants coming back to these villages are being kept under quarantine for 14 days, at govt run quarantine facilities for the safety of their village.

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