Amazon develops for sale a new artificial intelligence based Echo speaker

Amazon develops for sale a new artificial intelligence based Echo speaker


Amazon has come out with a new Echo speaker. Its price varies in the range of Rs 4,499 to Rs 9,999 a unit.

This US Technology firm today announced that this Echo speaker is a ‘new version’ of an artificial intelligence-based device

Child marriage vanishing globally: UN Report

Child marriage vanishing globally: UN Report


Good news is centered around a report of the UN Secretary-General on the declining child and forced marriages. Also, 25 million child marriages have been prevented globally during the past decade due to the increased rate of girls' education,…

Moderate drinking alcohol boosts immunity

Moderate drinking alcohol boosts immunity


One preconceived notion is: drinking alcohol is harmful to the body. This is partly true. 

My researched conclusion is this. Drinking alcohol is harmful to the body, but only in large & excessive proportions.

In fact, despite…

Recall Tata Group & Jubilee Diamond

Recall Tata Group & Jubilee Diamond


The Jagersfontein Mine, located in South Africa, has been of the great diamond mines of the world.

Discovered in 1870, it has yielded over 9.6 million carats of beautiful diamonds over its lifetime. Yet the unique stone that was discovered…

After 1962 War, India Now Controls Reqin in Ladakh

After 1962 War, India Now Controls Reqin in Ladakh


Indian troops took control of Hunan coast and the nearby Reqin mountain pass

Indian forces have captured Reqin. It has not been under Indian control since India lost the 1962 war. It is a very bold step. And a very important one.


RBI stops printing Rs 2000 notes

RBI stops printing Rs 2000 notes


Beware Mr Holders of currency notes of Rs 2000. All eyes of the regulators are on owners of the highest denomination circulated by the RBI after ‘Notbandi’ in the country.

As it is, Rs 2,000 denomination notes were not printed in…

Radical change visible in J&K

Radical change visible in J&K


A number of steps taken by the Union Home Ministry led by Minister Amit Shah has brought a sea change in J&K.

Following are the reforms worth reading.

1. 5 Lakh Hindu-Sikh Families Became Jammu & Kashmir Domiciles.

Rise and shine for children against COVID-19

Rise and shine for children against COVID-19


As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread in India and in the world at large, there is zooming evidence from various surveys such as Action for Children, indicating that the restrictions have an impact on the mental health of children and adolescents…

China & India: What could be the effect of an Economic War ?

China & India: What could be the effect of an Economic War ?


Presently India has banned China's 59 Apps and levied increased duties on Chinese products. Let's see what facts and statistics has to say and who stands to Gain or Loose.

Of India's net imports 18-20% comes from China. Let us assume…

Recovery rate of COVID-19 patients touches 77 percent in Jharkhand

Recovery rate of COVID-19 patients touches 77 percent in Jharkhand


COVID -19 patients’ recovery rate in Jharkhand has reached about 77 percent. The rate of new infections has declined in the last 20 days. 

“This success is due to the cooperation of the Corona warriors and the people of the…