Climate change may spell doom for sharks: Scientists

Climate change may spell doom for sharks: Scientists


One-third of shark and ray species are already threatened worldwide because of overfishing, says marine ecologist Professor Sean Connell of University of Adelaide, warning that climate change and ocean acidification are going to add another layer…

India International Science Festival to be held in Delhi

India International Science Festival to be held in Delhi


India International Science Festival 2015, which aims to provide a platform to young scientists from all over the country to share and spread their scientific ideas, achievements and inventions, will be held in the national Capital from December 4…

Rationalise Islamic Personal Law to provide relief to Muslim women,says BSD

Rationalise Islamic Personal Law to provide relief to Muslim women,says BSD


In a move initiated by a registered body called Bharatiya Suraaj Dal(BSD) claims to welcome the Superem Court’s initiative to provide relief to Muslim women. is publishing the text sent by BSD.The text authored…

Rapid formation of new stars

Rapid formation of new stars


Galaxies forming stars at extreme rates nine billion years ago were more efficient than average galaxies today, researchers have found.

The majority of stars have been believed to lie on a “main sequence,” where the larger a galaxy’s…

New protein may help us fight stress

New protein may help us fight stress


Scientists have identified a protein target that can lead to new strategies to treat the effects of stress on the body.

New research suggests that the fight or flight response that we experience in stressful situations may be controlled by…

Whale protein could hold key to synthetic blood

Whale protein could hold key to synthetic blood


Proteins that allow deep-diving whales to remain active while holding their breath for up to two hours could help create life-saving synthetic blood for human patients, researchers, including one of Indian-origin, suggest.

Researchers compared…

Google to set up Wi-Fi at 400 railway stations

Google to set up Wi-Fi at 400 railway stations


Google has reportedly announced plans to make Internet accessible to one crore passengers at 100 busiest railway stations in India by the end of next year and will later expand it to 300 other stations, making it one of the largest public Wi-Fi projects…

Fruits, vegetables can prevent depression, says study

Fruits, vegetables can prevent depression, says study


Eating a Mediterranean diet or other healthy dietary pattern, comprising of fruit, vegetables, legumes and nuts, is associated with preventing the onset of depression, according to s new large study.

The study of 15,093 people suggests depression…

Short sleepers more likely to catch a cold

Short sleepers more likely to catch a cold


People who sleep six hours a night or less are four times more likely to catch a cold when exposed to the virus, compared to those who get more than seven hours of sleep a night, scientists have found.

The findings, by researchers from University…

Four Indian museums among top 25 in Asia

Four Indian museums among top 25 in Asia


Four Indian museums are listed amongst the best in Asia. They have been picked by leading travel site TripAdvisor for its Travelers Choice awards.

Bagore Hi Haveli (Udaipur), Darshan Museum (Pune), Don Bosco Center for Indigenous Cultures (Mawlai)…