National TT Champion Monika Batra was in Ranchi

National TT Champion Monika Batra was in Ranchi


Monika Batra won the National Championship in table tennis in Panchkula Hariana on 18 February.

She won this Championship for the second time. Monika won it in 2015 and 2020. She was runner up in2017 Nationals in Ranchi.

Monika Batra…

Ratan Tata visits ailing former employee in Pune

Ratan Tata visits ailing former employee in Pune


Ratan Tata, the 83-year-old industrialist and icon who is well-known for his humanitarianism, visited an ailing former employee in Pune. 

If the world learned anything from the past year, it is that human connections can help bridge even…

Lighter Side: As you Sow, So shall You Reap

Lighter Side: As you Sow, So shall You Reap


This is all about the real story  from Charlotte, North Carolina,USA.

A lawyer purchased a box of very rare and expensive cigars, then insured them against, among other things, loss due to fire.

Within a month, having smoked his…

Hazaribagh boy Dev Raj wins Mr India Charming Face 2020 award in Goa

Hazaribagh boy Dev Raj wins Mr India Charming Face 2020 award in Goa


For the first time, Dev Raj from Hazaribagh in Jharkhand has hit the headlines by winning as 1st Runner-up position in the Mr India Charming Face 2020 competition in Goa.

The national competition - Mr India charming Face-was organised by Ms…

Bengal Fading Away, thanks to Jyoti Basu, Mamata

Bengal Fading Away, thanks to Jyoti Basu, Mamata


As a Marwari whose forefathers started living in Bengal some 350 years ago and created this region as the best industrial state with huge opportunities, and having cultural heritage, it pains me to see the desperate lows that Bengal is touching.

Growing -up In the Home-town of Ranchi: The Musings of a Morning - Part 4

Growing -up In the Home-town of Ranchi: The Musings of a Morning - Part 4


The Way A Common Ranchite Lived 

As stated earlier the middle class of our childhood was more like a relatively lower middle class of to-day. The salaries were modest in the government sector. Private sector was yet to…

Growing -up In the Home-town of Ranchi: The Musings of a Morning - Part 3

Growing -up In the Home-town of Ranchi: The Musings of a Morning - Part 3



Any discussion about childhood cannot be complete without touching upon the school-life.

Most parents were not as ambitious or obsessed as they are to-day about the…

Growing -up In the Home-town of Ranchi: The Musings of a Morning - Part 2

Growing -up In the Home-town of Ranchi: The Musings of a Morning - Part 2



Now that I had had my share of seeing India and the world at large, what pleasantly surprises me is the cosmopolitan culture that a rather modest-sized town like Ranchi had when we…

Growing -up In the Home-town of Ranchi: The Musings of a Morning - Part 1

Growing -up In the Home-town of Ranchi: The Musings of a Morning - Part 1


O, call back yesterday, bid time return” –Richard II /Shakespeare

(About a year back, twenty of us were quite excited about meeting over dinner in one of those upscale hotels which now dot the ’skyline’ of the main thoroughfare…

A JNU-ite From Ranchi Pens Down Reminiscences Of His Home-Town

A JNU-ite From Ranchi Pens Down Reminiscences Of His Home-Town


In November this year, Pradeep Kumar Sinha celebrates the completion of two decades of his posting in Fiji Islands and plans to turn his dream of writing a book on this picturesque country into reality.       

"I am…