Scientific descriptions in the Quran

Scientific descriptions in the Quran


While in recent times some scientific discoveries have dealt a deathblow to many religious beliefs, it is amazingly the same discoveries of science have highlighted various aspects of the Quran and they are found compatible with them.

The Qur’an…

Those who cheat may get caught,not all are brought to justice

Those who cheat may get caught,not all are brought to justice


Drug cheats in sports and the corrupt in other spheres of life have one thing in common—-those who are caught plummet down the social ladder and those who aren’t continue to enjoy social status.

The latest sporting victim falling…

Laugh,pay fine

Laugh,pay fine


Contrast is too obvious to be missed.

Scientists say the sound of roaring laughter is far more contagious than any cough, sniffle, or sneeze. When laughter is shared, it binds people together and increases happiness and intimacy. Laughter also…

When Citizen raises voice,corrupt babus shiver

When Citizen raises voice,corrupt babus shiver


It was Citizen’s habit to grill a person who invariably thinks he is a government official on inspection of his office, and the confused poor chap completely surrenders and replies to every query fired by Citizen.

A few days ago I had…

Pretender, the Great

Pretender, the Great


It was “Master Tommy’s” habit to lecture, to threaten and to order his 100-odd sycophant followers. He wants them to be his disciplined foot soldiers, giving up their freedom of speech.

Fortunately or unfortunately, William…