Adivasis Perform Karma Puja;Their Belief and Ritual can contain Climate change

Adivasis Perform Karma Puja;Their Belief and Ritual can contain Climate change


All entry-exit roads of Ranchi, capital of Jharkhand, have been blocked to allow Adivasis to dance and sing on the occasion of their annual Puja of a tree-Karma.

As per the traffic guidelines issued by the Ranchi Traffic police,11 “drop…

क्या आप भी एक 'फ्यूज बल्ब' हैं?

क्या आप भी एक 'फ्यूज बल्ब' हैं?


पटना शहर में बसे अशोक नगर में एक आईएएस अफसर रहने के लिये आये। जो अभी हाल ही में सेवानिवृत्त हुये थे ? ये रिटायर्ड आईएएस अफसर हैरान-परेशान से रोज शाम को पास के पार्क में टहलते हुये अन्य लोगों को तिरस्कार भरी नज़रों से देखते थे और किसी से भी बात नहीं…

"Why smile?”


He was a school teacher. He was dying of COVID 19, which he got due to Infected virus he had received during his discussion with parents of his school children one day in 2021.

During his illness, he had received letters from his many friends,…

'अग्नीवीर-अग्निपथ' क्यों भारत ओर भारतीय सेना की एक अनिवार्य पहल है

'अग्नीवीर-अग्निपथ' क्यों भारत ओर भारतीय सेना की एक अनिवार्य पहल है


1. विश्व में कम से कम 100 देशों में सेना में काम करना अनिवार्य माना जाता है. कम से कम दो साल की नौकरी करना अनिवार्य है. इजराइल जैसे देश में यदि आप सिनेमा में काम करते हैं, यदि आप डाक्टर हैं, कम्प्युटर वैज्ञानिक हैं या फिर आप कविता लिखते हैं, आपको…

People celebrating Eid-up-Fitr with joy and fervour in Jharkhand

People celebrating Eid-up-Fitr with joy and fervour in Jharkhand


Like in the past, this time again festivity of Eid-ul-Fitr is visible across Jharkhand.

All market places, mosques, and homes of the Muslim community in Ranchi and other towns and villages were decked up and many Hindus and Muslims were…

History of air conditioning system  in Indian Railways

History of air conditioning system in Indian Railways


The first Indian train to get an air-conditioned car, which started running in 1934 was the Frontier Mail. The airconditioning system then was basic, unlike the thermostat-controlled powerplants we see today.

In those days, ice blocks were…

'प्रधानमंत्री संग्रहालय’: मोदी की ताल और कांग्रेस की तिलमिलाहट

'प्रधानमंत्री संग्रहालय’: मोदी की ताल और कांग्रेस की तिलमिलाहट


कहते हैं कि भगवान की लाठी बे आवाज होती है। कुछ इसी तरह मोदी जी की लाठी भी बे आवाज होती है पर बहुत गहरी चोट पहुंचाती है। वैसे तो यह खबर आप अंबेडकर जयंती १४ अप्रैल को सुनेंगे पर इसकी पृष्ठभूमि अभी जान लीजिए। हुआ यह था कि १९४७ में आजादी के बाद तत्कालीन…

A point of view: Let’s talk, hold heart-to-heart conversations...

A point of view: Let’s talk, hold heart-to-heart conversations...


We, as a society, really have no idea how *suffocated* people are in their emotions. Most people have *nobody* to express themselves entirely to. Everyone is holding back their *vulnerabilities* to maintain the *social image* of a confident and happy…

Fascinating ancient pillar in Gujarat tells a fact-there is no earth terrain between it and South Pole

Fascinating ancient pillar in Gujarat tells a fact-there is no earth terrain between it and South Pole


There is a fascinating mystery called “Baan Stambh” in the ancient Somnath Temple of Gujarat. On the south side of the temple, overlooking the sea is a pillar called “Baan Stambh”. 

An arrow is built on the…

Til Sankranti, Kite Flying linked with Vitamin D

Til Sankranti, Kite Flying linked with Vitamin D


Come Makar Sankranti, and Tilkoot, Til Ladoos flood the market.The scene is no different this year.

Another feature of this festival is the men, especially kids fly kites in the Sky.

Scientists have studied these features of Til Sankranti.