Tour International Station with Sunita Williams

Tour International Station with Sunita Williams


Do you want to see how an astronaut lives inside the spacecraft in space?Take a Tour of the ISS with Sunita Williams





Harmony, Tranquility, Unity

Gold found in Eucalyptus leaves

Gold found in Eucalyptus leaves


"Eucalyptus trees in the Kalgoorlie region of Western Australia are drawing up gold particles from Earth via their root system and depositing it their leaves and branches’,according to the Science Daily.

This is the observation made…

Malaria vaccines to hit the world market by 2015

Malaria vaccines to hit the world market by 2015


England’s leading drug producer, GlaxoSmithe Kline (GSK) will seek marketing approval for the world’s first malaria vaccine next year after trial data showed a significantly cut cases of the malaria in African children.

The vaccine…

An Indian Origin Scientist invents Brain for Robot

An Indian Origin Scientist invents Brain for Robot


An Indian-origin scientist in USA has developed a new system that allows robots to operate with less manual supervision and eventually act as autonomous machines. This system has been named as Robot brain!

Dr Jagannathan Sarangapani, from Missouri…

NASA’ Curiosity’s findings yet to trace life on Mars

NASA’ Curiosity’s findings yet to trace life on Mars


A majority might be disappointed in view of the upcoming series of statements given by NASA on its Curiosity Rover’s findings. So far as many as 78,000 people have applied to be part of Mission Mars One.

Though it claims that Mars may…

“Voyager” moves beyond Solar System

“Voyager” moves beyond Solar System


For the first time in history, a Man Made spacecraft has moved beyond the solar system, as reported by BBC.

BBC News Science Correspondent Jonathan Amos in his exclusive report: “Voyager” probe ‘leaves Solar System’…

Unmanned LADEE on way to Moon

Unmanned LADEE on way to Moon


Its called Laddee probe. LADEE is Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer,the unmanned mission that got off from the Wallops rocket facility on the US east coast today.

It is set to “investigate the very tenuous atmosphere that…

Claim that humans are Martian is not baseless,says a student

Claim that humans are Martian is not baseless,says a student


In,Govert Schilling has authored an article on -Are we Martian After All?.There is no consensus on this question,but he argues that if any body looked in a mirror,he or she have seen a descendant of creatures from Mars.

I agree…

Video games can help to train the brain to strategize

Video games can help to train the brain to strategize


You may take it as part of a design to sell video games.But scientists from Queen Mary University of London and University College London (UCL) claim that some video games can help to train the brain to become more agile and improve strategic thinking.

Onion (Allium Cepa) has many health benefits

Onion (Allium Cepa) has many health benefits


With the price of onions soaring high in the capital the question arises: How nutritious is this underground stem vegetable? Health benefits definitely needs to be calculated before one shells out between rupees forty to fifty for a kg of this allium…