Baby Owls and baby Humans share one thing in common:Sleep

Baby Owls and baby Humans share one thing in common:Sleep


Science Daily has published an article listing a fine conclusion of a seminal research on sleep patterns among baby birds and mammals.

The article says:“ Baby birds have sleep patterns similar to baby mammals, and their sleep changes…

Stem cells rooted in urine may help grow lost teeth

Stem cells rooted in urine may help grow lost teeth


The group at the Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health used stem cells from urine to create tiny ‘tooth buds’ that when transplanted into mice grew into tooth like structures , ‘BBC News’ reported.

Stem cells…

Cell phones can cause genetic mutation,tumor:A study

Cell phones can cause genetic mutation,tumor:A study


Again it is official that frequent and excessive use of mobile phone can lead to oxidative stress in cells that is linked to cellular and genetic mutations which cause development of tumours, says a study.

“Oxidative stress is a process…

Technology responsible for minimal casualty in San Francisco air crash

Technology responsible for minimal casualty in San Francisco air crash


On Sunday when Asiana Flight 214 from Seoul missed its runway and crash landed at San Francisco International Airport,there were 300 passengers and crew members aboard.But only two passengers died.

The low casualty was due mainly to advancement…

Not only humans,even monkeys are networkers

Not only humans,even monkeys are networkers


Forget chatterers on Twitter and Facebook.The networkers are not only enterprising humans in this digital age,according to a study.

Science Daily today incorporated a new study on squirrel monkeys revealing that they are number one networkers.

Earth’s green belt captured by Satellite

Earth’s green belt captured by Satellite


This is the story -“Satellite captures Earth’s greenery-carried by Science Daily,Web edition: June 21, 2013.

Authored by Cristy Gelling,it says that orbiting camera detects reflected light to determine extent of vegetation.

India to beat China to emerge as world’s most populous country by 2028

India to beat China to emerge as world’s most populous country by 2028


India may not beat China in economic domain,but she will overtake her neighbour in producing kids,according to the United Nations reports.

A new UN study claims that India will be ahead of China in terms of their populations.

It predicts…

Global Population may reach 11 billion by 2100

Global Population may reach 11 billion by 2100


Can you estimate the population of the world in 2100 ?

A United Nations report made public on June 13 expects,the population to reach nearly 11 billion by the end of the century.

“That’s about 800 million or about 8 percent…

Stress may be behind Dhoni’s grey hair

Stress may be behind Dhoni’s grey hair


Team India captain MS Dhoni is less than 32-year old.Yet his hair has starting greying.

Dhoni is no strange case.Many young men and women have been facing the problem of grey hair.

The reason could be many.But in an article in abc science(…

Vegetarian diets reduce death rates:Study

Vegetarian diets reduce death rates:Study


Science Daily has said that “the possible relationship between diet and mortality is an important area of study. Vegetarian diets have been associated with reductions in risk for several chronic diseases, including hypertension, metabolic syndrome,…