Indus Valley people migrated from one place to another

Indus Valley people migrated from one place to another


Ancient people in the Indus Valley apparently did not stay put, as was previously thought, a team of US and Indian researchers has found by examining 4,000-year-old teeth.

When tooth enamel forms, it incorporates elements from the local environment…

Researchers determine genetic sequencing of malaria causing mosquitoes

Researchers determine genetic sequencing of malaria causing mosquitoes


Researchers, including one of Indian-origin, have determined the genetic sequencing of 16 malaria causing mosquitoes, providing new insight into how they adapt to humans as primary hosts of the disease.

Cedric Chauve from the Simon Fraser University…

Three planets orbiting nearby star discovered

Three planets orbiting nearby star discovered


Three planets, each with a mass 7 to 8 times that of Earth, have been discovered orbiting a nearby star that is only 54 light-years away, scientists say.

All three planets orbit their star at a distance closer than Mercury orbits the Sun, completing…

Scientists create ‘invisible man’ illusion in lab

Scientists create ‘invisible man’ illusion in lab


In a first, scientists have created a perceptual illusion of having an invisible body among humans in the lab and found the feeling of invisibility changes our physical stress response in challenging social situations.

The experiment by neuroscientists…

Airborne carbon particles and dust are discolouring Taj Mahal, say researchers

Airborne carbon particles and dust are discolouring Taj Mahal, say researchers


Airborne carbon particles and dust are discolouring the Taj Mahal’s iconic marble dome and soaring minarets, giving the gleaming white landmark a brownish case, Indian and US researchers have found.

“Our team was able to show that…

Mobile science labs for rural areas flagged off

Mobile science labs for rural areas flagged off


A mobile science lab was flagged off today by NTPC to promote scientific learning and revolutionize rural education in the country.

Union Minister of State for Power and Coal Piyush Goyal flagged off three mobile science labs and said, “It…

Wool that keeps you ‘cool in summers’

Wool that keeps you ‘cool in summers’


Wool has been fashioned into a new range of summer apparel that promises to keep one cool even in the heat!

The Woolmark Company of Australian Wool innovation has reportedly collaborated with suiting fabrics manufacturer Raymond to propagate…

A new device can make smartphone diagnose cancer, say scientists

A new device can make smartphone diagnose cancer, say scientists


A new device can turn your smartphone into a low-cost tool that can diagnose cancer in just under an hour, scientists say.

The device – called the D3 (digital diffraction diagnosis) system – features an imaging module with a battery-powered…

Brush your teeth to keep your heart healthy

Brush your teeth to keep your heart healthy


According to a study published in the journal Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, taking better care of your teeth may also help you lower the risk of heart diseases.

The researchers have found that common oral infections which are caused…

Google launches handwriting app

Google launches handwriting app


Those who are fond of writing have something to cheer about. After YouTube launched support in 15 languages, Google has launched a handwriting app for Android phones which will work in 82 languages. It lets users write text on their mobile or tablet…