Stars may generate sound

Stars may generate sound


A team of Indian and British scientists has found experimental evidence that stars may generate sound, but at such a high frequency that it can’t be heard by any mammal.

Researchers from the University of York in UK and scientists from…

“Hookah smoking no less harmful than cigarettes”

“Hookah smoking no less harmful than cigarettes”


The idea that hookah smoking is somehow less harmful than cigarettes is a dangerous misperception, scientists say.

Hookah or water pipe use continues to rise among Canadian youth despite declines in the number of youths who smoke cigarettes,…

Ice creams and milk powder from camel milk

Ice creams and milk powder from camel milk


A top UAE-based diary producer has reportedly claimed to be the first company in the world to introduce ice creams and milk powder from camel milk to the mass market.
The products introduced by Al Ain Dairy are now officially available in select…

Vitamin D may help treat age-related diseases

Vitamin D may help treat age-related diseases


Vitamin D may play a vital role in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases associated with ageing such as diabetes and cancer, according to new research.

Researchers reviewed evidence that suggests an association between vitamin D…

Eat on time,remain healthy

Eat on time,remain healthy

15-03-2015 has carried a story saying” When you eat may determine how long and strong your heart beats.”

Under title “For healthy eating,timing matters’,the article authored by Tina Hesman Saey says that ‘limiting…

Launch Mobile Health Service for Moms

Launch Mobile Health Service for Moms


She suffered from pregnancy-related problem.After Reeta Munj became mother,she died due to lack of medicare.She is among 3.60 lakh women worldwide who died shortly after child birth every year,and nearly four million babies die during birth or within…

“Meditation can reduce chronic neck pain”

“Meditation can reduce chronic neck pain”


Meditation might be an effective treatment for reducing chronic neck pain, according to a new research.

Chronic neck pain can lead to serious comorbidities like depression. Patients with chronic neck pain frequently experience distress, researchers…

Unemployment can change peoples’ core personalities, says new study

Unemployment can change peoples’ core personalities, says new study


Unemployment can change peoples’ core personalities, making some less conscientious, agreeable and open, which may make it difficult for them to find new jobs, according to a new study.

“The result challenge the idea that our personalities…

Red wine compound may help prevent memory loss

Red wine compound may help prevent memory loss


A compound found in common foods such as red grapes and peanuts may help prevent age-related decline in memory, according to an Indian-origin researcher.

Ashok K Shetty, a faculty member in the Texas A&M Health Science Center College of…

Scientists develop nanowire clothes to generate heat

Scientists develop nanowire clothes to generate heat


Scientists have developed a novel nanowire coating for clothes that can both generate heat and trap the heat from our bodies better than regular clothes.

The technology could help us reduce our reliance on conventional energy sources, researchers…