Red meat may raise cancer risk

Red meat may raise cancer risk


Eating red meat may elevate the risk of cancer because it contains a chemical that is unnatural to human biology, researchers, including those of Indian-origin, suggest.

While people who eat a lot of red meat are known to be at higher risk…

Resarch centre on bullet train technology at IIT-Kharagpur

Resarch centre on bullet train technology at IIT-Kharagpur


The Centre for Railway Research (CRR) is being constructed inside the IIT campus in Kharagpur. This research centre will focus on developing bullet train technology and is expected to be ready by the end of this year.

Reportedly it is being…

Hugs help protect against stress and infection

Hugs help protect against stress and infection


Scientists have found the simplest way you can protect yourself against stress and infection is by hugging a friend.

Led by Sheldon Cohen at Carnegie Mellon University’s Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences, the researchers…

Decline in mortality of both child and adult

Decline in mortality of both child and adult


India has made great strides in reducing both child and adult mortality since 1990, according to a new study that found adults and children in the country are living longer and healthier lives than two decades ago.

The first-ever journal publication…

Delhi University researchers develop blood substitute

Delhi University researchers develop blood substitute


The Biochemistry Department of Delhi University has claimed to have developed a safe and portable blood substitute which can be used in emergency situations irrespective of blood groups.

Reportedly a team of researchers at Delhi University’s…

Scientists discover 30 new spider species in China

Scientists discover 30 new spider species in China


Scientists have discovered 30 new spider species in one of China’s richest biodiversity hot spots. Scientists from the Institute of Zoology with the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) studied the astounding diversity hidden in the depths of the…

India third on black money list

India third on black money list


As India continues to struggle to strengthen its economy by plugging all the loop holes, an international think-tank has ranked the country third in the world with an estimated USD 94.76 billion (nearly Rs 6 lakh crore) illicit money outflows in 2012.

‘Smart window’ that can block out heat

‘Smart window’ that can block out heat


Scientists are developing a new kind of ‘smart window’ that can block out heat when the outside temperatures rise.

The advance could one day help consumers better conserve energy on hot days and reduce electric bills.


Sleep disruption overwhelms negative thoughts, says study

Sleep disruption overwhelms negative thoughts, says study


People who sleep for shorter periods of time and go to bed very late at night are often overwhelmed with more negative thoughts than those who keep more regular sleeping hours, a new study has found.

People are said to have repetitive negative…

New technique to repair damaged tissues

New technique to repair damaged tissues


Scientists may have discovered a new way to repair damaged tissues after they transformed human scar cells into blood vessel cells.

The method appeared to improve blood flow, oxygenation, and nutrition to areas in need.
