Rural kids receive wrong treatments for deadly ailments

Rural kids receive wrong treatments for deadly ailments


Few health care providers in rural India know the correct treatments for childhood diarrhoea and pneumonia – two leading killers of young children worldwide and even when they do, they rarely prescribe them properly, according to a new study.

Probiotic drink may help prevent diabetes

Probiotic drink may help prevent diabetes


A probiotic drink in your diet could help control insulin resistance, a major characteristic of diet-induced diseases such as type 2 diabetes, a new study has claimed.
The study, led by Dr Carl Hulston based in the Loughborough University’s…

Social media may help fight AIDS: Study

Social media may help fight AIDS: Study


Social media such as Twitter and Facebook can be a valuable tool in the fight against HIV, a new study has found.
Researchers demonstrated social media can prompt high-risk populations to request at-home testing kits for the virus that causes…

Delhi to host international conference on Vedas

Delhi to host international conference on Vedas


An international conference to “re-establish Vedic India” by reviving interest in the Vedas will start in Delhi from February 20.

The three-day conference is likely to see participation of many Union Ministers, besides several international…

NIIT to conduct National Industry Targeted Aptitude Test on February 21

NIIT to conduct National Industry Targeted Aptitude Test on February 21


NIIT Limited, a global leader in skills and talent development, has announced the country’s largest aptitude test to enable students and graduates to access their potential and aptitude for careers in multiple skills, says a press release.

Social media may help fight AIDS: Study

Social media may help fight AIDS: Study


Social media such as Twitter and Facebook can be a valuable tool in the fight against HIV, a new study has found.

Researchers demonstrated social media can prompt high-risk populations to request at-home testing kits for the virus that causes…

Astronomers discover oldest known star with five Earth-sized planets

Astronomers discover oldest known star with five Earth-sized planets


Astronomers have discovered the oldest known star with five Earth-sized planets, signalling that such planets have formed throughout the history of the universe.

The discovery used observations made by NASA’s Kepler satellite.

Scholastic launches ALPHA Mathematics program in India

Scholastic launches ALPHA Mathematics program in India


Scholastic, the global children”’s publishing, education and media company, today announced the launch of Scholastic ALPHA Mathematics, a mathematics proficiency program that is customized to the requirements of the Indian curriculum,…

India emerges as the second most trusted country in the world

India emerges as the second most trusted country in the world


India has emerged as the second most trusted country in the world in terms of faith reposed in its institutions, says a survey.

As the world’s rich and powerful gather in the Swiss resort of Davos,
Reportedly a study by public relations…

New drug may reverse diabetes symptoms

New drug may reverse diabetes symptoms


Researchers are developing a new drug that may prevent the onset of diabetes and reverse the symptoms of the disease.

Researchers Bruce Hammock at the University of California, Davis, and Joan Claria at the University of Barcelona found that…